Scholarships and Other Programs
Leadership Engagement Scholarship
The Leadership Engagement Scholarship is awarded to students who are actively involved in one or multiple student organizations and dedicate immense time, effort, and energy to their respective organization(s). By providing a stipend to students who devote countless hours and demonstrate a passion for their student organization, CSG encourages said students to continue their involvement without having to worry about balancing work as well. Instead, the work that they do for their student organization serves as their job, and they are able to be compensated. This is a need-based scholarship that CSG is hoping to award to more students, as our previous round of selection saw far more impressive applicants than we were able to reward as scholarship recipients.
For more information, email csg.leadershipengagement@umich.edu
Disability Advocacy
Disability advocacy is an initiative that CSG takes incredibly seriously; thus, this Giving Blueday, we are hoping to award students who are heavily involved in Disability Advocacy scholarships to help support them in their future endeavors as they work to make our community a more equitable place for individuals with disabilities. In November, we were able to award two very passionate students scholarships for their extensive work in this service area, and CSG is hoping to expand the funds in order to award more scholarships to empowering advocates.
For more information, email csg.contact@umich.edu
Student Resource Guide
The University has many mental health and wellbeing, sexual misconduct prevention, academic, accessibility, and anti-racism resources. These resources are available to provide students with help and allow them to thrive in a new academic and social environment. Central Student Government has put together a coherent list of the available programs and services on campus linked here.
Calm App Subscriptions
Central Student Government is pleased to offer 2000 subscriptions to the Calm Meditation App. If selected, you will be contacted by the Central Student Government Office staff with your code for registration.
The Calm App is currently at maximum subscriptions (1/5/2023). We apologize for any inconvenience.
If you have any questions, please contact csg.contact@umich.edu.