6th Assembly
2016 - 2017
College of Architecture and Urban Planning​
Caroline Peterson
School of Art and Design
Abigail Zrike
School of Dentistry
Alexander Ziegler
School of Education
College of Engineering
Alexander Brewster
Kathryn Culver
Chris Fowler
Tania Haddad
Christopher McDonald
Samantha Meister
Rachel Ryan
Atakan Tin
James Wich
Cheryl Zhang
Ryan Kennedy
School of Information
Benjamin Segal​
School of Kinesiology
Sophia Baur-Waisbord​
School of Law
Christopher Schwartz​
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Alex Contis
Evan Friedland
Joseph Goldberg
Kathryn Graham
Frank Guzman
Chase Hardin
Devin Jones
Pratik Josi
Samantha Kennedy
Victor Mahdavi
Alison Mascarenhas
Robbie Massie
Sandya Medapuram
Lakshman Mulpuri
Miclan Quorpencetta
Arlyn Reed
Sheema Rehman
Ali Rosenblatt
Gabrielle Roth
Max Rothman
Seth Schostak
Eli Schrayer
School of Medicine
Husam Alghanem
Whit Froelich
School of Nursing
Rachel Hersch
College of Pharmacy
Tommy Vu​
School of Public Health
School of Public Policy
Joe Ambrose
Rackham Graduate School
Jared Ferguson
Trevis Harrold
Saurabh Mahajan
Ramon Martinez
Andrew Snow
Ross School of Business
School of Music, Theater, and Dance
Grace Bydalek​
School of Social Work
Brittney Williams