Central Student Government's Assembly met on Tuesday, February 8th at 7:35 p.m. in hybrid format on Zoom and in the Wolverine Room with 22 voting members present. The recap may be found here.
Consent Agenda
Ratify Agenda
Ratify Minutes from the 30th Meeting of the 11th Assembly
Elections, Confirmations, and other Business
Confirmation of Mario Thaqi as a Member of the Executive Nominations Committee - CONFIRMED UNANIMOUSLY
Confirmation of Tyler Watt as Deputy Commissioner for Operations - CONFIRMED UNANIMOUSLY
Confirmation of Taylor Quick as Elections Director - CONFIRMED UNANIMOUSLY
New Business
AR 11-063: A Declarative Resolution calling on the University of Michigan’s Board of Regents to prioritize compliance with the President’s Commission on Carbon Neutrality’s (PCCN) recommendations when considering candidates for the next President of the University. - REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEES
Old Business
AR 11-060: A Declarative Resolution to Oppose the Policy Requiring Employee Disclosure of Felony Charges and Convictions - PASSED UNANIMOUSLY
AR 11-061: A Directive and Appropriative Resolution to Create a Platform for Students’ Surveys - MOVED TO OLD BUSINESS
AR 11-062: An Appropriations Resolution to Provide a Portion of the Funding for the United Student Government of Michigan Conference - MOVED TO OLD BUSINESS
Rules Committee
Resolutions Committee
Communications Committee (agenda)
Finance Committee
Student Organization Committee
Exec Report - Grace Roberts
Speaker Report - Annie Mintun
Old Business
AR 11-061: A Directive and Appropriative Resolution to Create a Platform for Students’ Surveys - PASSED UNANIMOUSLY
AR 11-062: An Appropriations Resolution to Provide a Portion of the Funding for the United Student Government of Michigan Conference - PASSED 17-1-3
Motions and Other Business
Motion to Approve SOC Funding Criteria - PASSED UNANIMOUSLY
Adjourned at 9:00 p.m. with 22 voting members present. The Assembly will reconvene on Tuesday, February 15th at 7:30 p.m.