Central Student Government's Assembly met on Tuesday, December 7th at 7:32 p.m. in hybrid format on Zoom and in the Wolverine Room with 29 voting members present. The recap may be found here.
Convening Business
SMTD Representative to the Assembly Run-Off
Juan Gonzalez
Lily Kwak
Rackham Representative to the Assembly Run-Off
Anthony Milian
Kent Alexander
Rawan Latif
Consent Agenda
Ratify Agenda
Ratify Minutes from 25th Meeting of the 11th Assembly
New Business
AR 11-050: A Procedural Resolution to Amend the Operating Procedure to Add a Provision for the Operations of Runoff Elections - REFERRED BACK TO RULES COMMITTEE
Old Business
AR 11-046: A Procedural Resolution to Amend the Operating Procedures to Define Motions that Appropriate Money from the Legislative Discretionary Account (LDA) to a Targeted Destination Account - OBJECTED, MOVED TO OLD BUSINESS
AR 11-047: A Procedural Resolution to Reform the Elections Code in an Attempt to Increase Turnout, Engagement, and Equity among the Elections and Campaign Processes - OBJECTED, MOVED TO OLD BUSINESS
Community Concerns
Owen Smiley, Current Student
Rules Committee
Resolutions Committee
Finance Committee
Student Organization Committee
Exec Report - Exec Team
Speaker Report - Annie Mintun
Election Director Report - Tyler Watt
Old Business
AR 11-046: A Procedural Resolution to Amend the Operating Procedures to Define Motions that Appropriate Money from the Legislative Discretionary Account (LDA) to a Targeted Destination Account - PASSED UNANIMOUSLY
AR 11-047: A Procedural Resolution to Reform the Elections Code in an Attempt to Increase Turnout, Engagement, and Equity among the Elections and Campaign Processes - PASSED UNANIMOUSLY
Adjourned at 8:59 p.m. with 33 voting members present. The Assembly will reconvene in Winter 2022.