The Central Student Government Assembly met on April 7, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. The recap from the meeting can be found here.
The Assembly considered the following resolutions in new business:
AR 10-003 - A Procedural Resolution to Reauthorize the Standing Rules
AR 10-004 - An Appropriations Resolution to Enact a Budget for the Operations of Central Student Government for the Spring and Summer 2020 Terms
AR 10-005 - A Declarative Resolution for Requesting the University of Michigan Offer Income Continuation for Work-Study and Non Work-Study Student Employees
The Assembly considered and approved the following motion:
Motion to Amend the Budget to Cause $2,529.55 to be spent from the LSAT Test Prep Project Account on Refunds for Students Whose Classes Were Canceled Due to COVID-19
The Assembly adjourned at 9:27 p.m.