Central Student Government's Assembly met on Tuesday, March 22nd at 7:34 p.m. in hybrid format on Zoom and in the Wolverine Room with 36 voting members present. The recap may be found here.
Convening Business
Swearing-in of the President of the Central Student Government
Swearing-in of the Vice President of the Central Student Government
Swearing-in of the Twelfth Assembly of the Central Student Government
Resolve ties from election
Architecture & Urban Planning - EILIS FINNEGAN ELECTED
Consent Agenda
Ratify Agenda
Ratify Minutes from the 37th Meeting of the 11th Assembly
Election Director Report - Taylor Quick
Elections, Confirmations, and Recalls
Election of the Vice Speaker - AARUSH GANGULY ELECTED
Election of the Chair of the Finance Committee - DIVYA PERIAKARUPPAN ELECTED
Election of the Chair of the Rules Committee - JAREK SCHMANSKI ELECTED
Election of the Chair of the Resolutions Committee - MATT DARGAY ELECTED
Election of the Chair of the Communications Committee - OLIVIA O'CONNELL ELECTED
Election of the DEI Coordinator - MARIA FIELDS ELECTED
Election of the Vice-Chair of the Finance Committee - MARIO THAQI ELECTED
Election of the Chair of the Executive Nominations Committee - JACOB AMSPAUGH ELECTED
Election of the Chair of the Ethics Committee - TYLER FIORITTO ELECTED
Election of the Vice-Chair of the Rules Committee - RUBEN GARCIA ELECTED
Election of the Vice-Chair of the Resolutions Committee - RYAN SCHMIDT ELECTED
Election of the Vice-Chair of the Communications Committee - ZENA NASIRI ELECTED
Election of the Vice-Chair of the Executive Nominations Committee - MARIO THAQI ELECTED
Election of the Vice-Chair of the Ethics Committee - BEN THOMAS ELECTED
Election of the Deputy Director of the SOC - RYAN SCHMIDT ELECTED
Election of the Students of Michigan Legislative Delegate - AYDEN RILEY ELECTED
Confirmation of Hayden Jackson as Director of the SOC
Motions and Other Business
LDA Request 12-001 - PASSED
Adjourned at 12:57 a.m. with 32 voting members present. The Assembly will reconvene on Tuesday, April 12th at 7:30 p.m.